Let's take a look at a few recent developments.
George Bush has stated that he doesn't pay attention to polls, yet with his numbers continuing to drop, he has been making more speeches, press conferences, and public appearances then usual. Even something as reckless as allowing him to appear unscripted and unrehearsed was allowed, and he made a fool of himself.
Tom DeLay has quit. No doubt he was under immense pressure from the Republican Party to do this. They know of his crimes, and they know that future headlines leading up to the DeLay trial will not be kind during an election year.
The Republicans also have to dodge the gauntlet of scandals as the elections draw closer. There's Bill Frist's SEC investigation, which should be pretty ripe by November. And what else is former conspirator in crime Jack Abramoff revealing? No doubt there's a lot there. That investigation of that nasty murder in Florida is barely underway. Where will that stop? Will it go to the White House? No doubt we'll find out.
Let's not forget about little Scooter Libby. Such a disgusting, vile thing he's involved in. Outing a top secret CIA operative, who was fighting the war on terra! And doing it in retaliation for telling the truth about the Bush Administration lying to get us involved in a war in Iraq. And this nasty little scandal could possibly take us further into the White House. What did Karl Rove know? What was Dick Cheney's involvement? Did George Bush authorize this to take place? Shame, shame, shame.
If you want to make a deal, better go to the Republicans, because they'll do it for you! Just ask Cunningham, Ney, Harris...if you got the dime, they've got the time. Doesn't matter what it is, bad for the environment, against the law, they'll push it through. Please deposit more money to continue playing.
No one plays the blame game better than the Republicans. Everything is someone else's fault. They're perfect. The Democrats are just being partisan for pointing out these faults. Well, DUH. Just like the Republicans spent millions of dollars of taxpayer money and years investigating the Clintons, and they wound up with: a BJ. And that's it. Yet they won't investigate their very own President, who has lied on record to the American people. Lies which have cost us thousands of American lives, and hundreds of thousands of other lives.
We're being spied on. But it's for our own good. Trust them. They know, it's necessary for the security of the country. Right. We're supposed to trust them after the President went on record and told us any domestic wiretapping would be done with a court ordered warrant. We now know that isn't true. But this doesn't mean an investigation is in order. The President of the United States of America lies -- outright -- to the people of this country, and that does not warrant an investigation. Can you say hypocritical?
In a few short years, under Republican "leadership" :eyes: America went from a record surplus to a record deficit. Now how is this conservative? The Republicans are like whores with a new box of condoms. They go into a fit tearing them open and using them up.
Bush promised to restore integrity to the White House. So much for that. Bush's definition of integrity defies logic.
During the 2004 campaign, the Republicans had the gall to attack John Kerry's service record. This after George Bush used his Daddy's connections to avoid serving overseas, and then went AWOL from the reserves. What an American! I'm glad we didn't have too many like him during World War I or II. And our Vice President, the ever popular Dick Cheney. FIVE DEFERMENTS! FIVE!! Can you say coward? The man has no right whatsoever criticizing anyone about their military service.
Today's Republican Party can be defined with just a few words:
And they say they're proud of their record. That, perhaps, is the biggest deception of them all. They should be ASHAMED of their record. They have nothing to be proud of. But we should have known better. When the planes crashed into America on September 11, 2001, that was the first sign that our President and his administration had dropped the ball. They ignored all the warnings, and allowed the worst terrorist attack ever on American soil to happen. And then they blamed Clinton, who had been out of office for months. They can't even accept responsibility for their own mistakes. And, sadly, there are many who feel our government was somehow involved in this devastating event. Many experts have questioned the official version of what happened. The possibility that this could be true defies the words that could describe this horrific possibility.
Just what you'd expect from conservative Christians. Just what you'd expect from people with high ethics, values, and morals, right? Face it, America, we've been taken for a ride by these people. They've lied to us. They aren't Christians. They do nothing that is Christian. They don't have morals. They allow our sons and daughters to be killed in a foreign land because of lies. They have no ethics. They've cleaned out the piggy bank, and have gone on a spending spree with borrowed money from other countries. They have placed our nation's security at risk by mortgaging America to our competitors.
Their values are theirs alone, and they change as often as the tide.
Morals? They have no morals. They lie. They steal. They are adulterers. Yet they don't want gays to have the same rights they enjoy. They discriminate.
They rig elections so they can win, which is perhaps the ultimate disgrace to America and its citizens. Without honest elections, the system of government becomes a mockery.
It would be difficult to find anyone who could do more damage to America. And they are now in damage control as their reckless abuse of the Constitution, American values, and civil liberties comes to light. They are beginning to scurry like the cockroaches they are upon the arrival of the exterminator.
They are in full damage control mode, now. We need to deal with them and treat them better than they've treated us. We need to apply the laws of the land to make sure they are held accountable for their actions.
And we need to make sure we never allow this to happen again. Democrats need to move forward to make this country better. We cannot do that if we must continually take several steps back to clean up the mess the Republicans always seem to leave behind them.