I live in a safe district in Maryland. My congressman is Elijiah Cummings and I'm happy as a clam about that.
True enough, we have a Senate race to consider here ..... Lt. Gov Michael Steele against either Ben Cardin or (less likely) Kwaese Mfume. And a governor's race .... either Baltimore mayor Martin O'Malley or County Exec Doug Duncan against incumbent (and not so popular anymore) Gov. Ehrlich. So there's some local work to do.
But not enough that I casn't watch what happens elsewhere. And I'm watching NY-29 and supporting the Democratic candidate there, Band of Brothers member Eric Massa.
That got me to thinking ...... how about all the people in safe areas of the country ..... find a candidate you like in a not so safe district or state and support them. You probably can't go door to door for them .... or phone bank .... or any on-the-ground stuff. But if you can afford it, write a check. I recall during the 04 cycle, we got into a deal where we were given addresses in areas of the country and we were asked to hand write snail mail letters to voters. We did that.
So there are things you can do to help the party overall, even if you're in a safe area and even if it is only the midterms.
I say 'only the midterms' ..... this cycle, they may be more important tahn anyone realizes.