The former House Majority discusses his decision to relinquish
his seat in the House and cease his bid for reelection
Posted Monday, Apr. 03, 2006
Tom DeLay, the Texas republican representative and former House Majority Leader, and his wife, Christine, sat down at their kitchen table in Sugar Land, Texas, on Monday with TIME White House correspondent Mike Allen to explain DeLay's decision not to seek reelection, and to give up his Congressional seat in the next few months. Joining the discussion were his campaign manager, Chris Homan, and his House press secretary, Shannon Flaherty.
TIME: Thank you for sitting down with TIME. I understand you're going to be making an announcement soon. Could you tell us about that?
DeLay: After the primary (March 7), I started looking at—reevaluating the primary—evaluating what the general election was going to be, looking at the landscape. I spent a lot of time talking to friends and people I have respect for and staff—Christine and I every day discussing what the future holds. And I'm very proud of my record and I feel very strongly about what the 22nd District that I represent deserves. I spent a lot of time in prayer. It was obvious to me—I'm a realist. I've been around awhile. I can evaluate political situations. And it was obvious to me that the 22nd District needed an election that discussed issues. It was obvious to me that this election had become a referendum on me.
And although I felt, I feel that I could have won the race, I just felt....
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