giving his "I am leaving speech." It sounded like the usual Bush SOTU,filled with examples of how the GOP "leadership" has made America a better place for all,(especially if you are rich,white,anglo and extremely religious.) As I was listening to Delay (R-Cockroach) I was taken aback. If this country is doing so well and to listen to Delay,it is just short of paradise,and I suppose to him and his ilk,it is. He talked about the economy,how we've "liberated" tens of millions around the world,took the required cheap shots at Bill Clinton,extolled the virtues of the GOP Congress,the ones that have only worked for twenty something days.It sounded more like a pep rally instead of a resignation speech. Then he finally got around to the reasons he is leaving. He is a corrupt,sleazy,criminal.That's why he leaving!!!! The usual comments about Ronnie Earle. The usual comments about how he won't let the "Democrats steal the seat",and on and on. This man is not only giving up his seat in Congress,he's not running again and he's leaving his beloved Texas,permanently for Virginia because of the "open" opportunities for him in the future. Bullshit. He's leaving because he can't win,can't gin the election,and would have cost the GOP their majority in Congress,which is gonna happen anyways(unless Rove either attacks Iran,gets Bin Laden to attack us,or gets Diebold to steal some more seats), and is on his way to wearing an orange jump suit,and he knows it. Delay also mentioned something about helping orphans. Nice goal but as phony as a seven dollar bill. The only thing that Delay is "open" to is his wallet,with big fat checks with loads of zeroes in them. If Tommy boy thinks that going bye-bye is going to solve the GOP corruption problems,he and they are wrong. As Josh Marshall notes,he made them all,and we need to continue to hang the bugman around their necks.