DeLay and Lane Evans. DeLay is quitting because he is under indictment and may go to prison soon. Evans is retiring because his doctors have advised him to due to Parkinson's disease. DeLay is very powerful and only cares about himself and his business buddies. Evans represents every man and woman in Illinois 17. DeLay has actively tried to break Unions. Evans has actively embraced them. DeLay probably doesn't show up for votes as often as he should. Evans, even though he is very ill, still makes over 90 pct. of the votes on the floor of the House. DeLay has no military service. Evans is an ex Marine. DeLay is a coward. As mentioned, Evans is an ex Marine who has withstood personal attacks on himself. He rolled with the punches, so to speak, and indeed became a better Congressman because of them. When Evans announced his retirement last week, no less than Senator John Kerry praised him from the floor of the Senate. How often does a Representative get praised from the Senate floor? Republicans are running away from DeLay in droves. Not one Democrat has abandoned Evans. For that matter, he rarely gets crticism from Repubs either. Evans believes that there truly are Bi-Partisan solutions to our problems and has worked to be inclusive. Now, who will be missed more? I should think it would be obvious. Good luck to Lane Evans in the future. And as an addendum, if DeLay and his republican cohorts would approve stem cell research instead of embracing some sort of wierd superstitious beliefs, then maybe Evans would be able to serve the people of his district longer. But they can't have it, it is "un-christian" or some such nonsense.