Repug Rep. Mike Pence and Repug Rep. Michael Castle
they were supposed to show the different opinions the repugs have. Castle was to be moderate, Pence neo-con.
they spent a bit of time praising each other
the host asked them if they had read an article in today's NYTimes. hoo boy! Pence said he seldom read the Times and Castle said he read the Wash. Post this morning. laughter.
Pence is in "very strong support of military budget". doesn't want pentagon budget cut.
he actually tried to convince us that dems are the party of big govt., not the repugs. he said the dems have had 40 yrs. of excessive govt. same old, same old repug crap talking.
poor Castle said that he shouldn't say what he was about to say - - that he disagreed with smirk about something (I forget what) and that he had a bill up and he hoped smirk wouldn't take revenge and stop it. (revenge my word). I was amazed he said that.
they praised the tax cuts for the rich as it has made our economy so wonderful. raspberry!
in the end their portion of the show was the same old, ho hum repug. talking points crap.
ho hum