10, Vietnam: Battle between communism and a corrupt dictatorship, Iraq: battle between the 6th and 7th centuries.
9, Guerrilla tactics in both are a given, but in Vietnam, at least our boys got to sleep with local women.
8, Vietnam: Troops had continuous access to dope, Iraq: Only when Rumsfeld, Rice or Bush show up.
7, Vietnam: Enemy tried to kill and maim us, Iraq; Enemy also flagellates themselves.
6, Vietnam: Huge anti-war protests, Iraq; Cindy Sheehan in a pup tent.
5, Vietnam: The best and the brightest rely on the Domino theory, Iraq; Neo-cons rely on the Fats Domino theory.
4, Vietnam: Jane Fonda on an enemy tank, Iraq: Jane Fonda on Jesus's flank.
3, Vietnam: John Mc.Cain tortured by the "Reds", Iraq, John Mc.Cain is singing the "blues"
2, Vietnam: Sec-Defense, wearing wire-rimmed glasses, knew the war was fucked up, Iraq: Sec-Defense, wearing wire-rimmed glasses, IS the major fuck up.
1, Vietnam: Hard to tell which side the Vietnamese were on, Iraq; Hard to tell which side we're on.