Yesterday we saw Chris Matthews fawn over Tom DeLay. However, we must keep in mind this is just a continuation of a GOP "gush fest" on the part of Matthews.
Lest we forget this memorable editorial form November 7, 2000:
As warned above, even the election of a ghost to the U.S. Senate tonight might not be the week's wildest news. Al Gore, knowing him as we do, may have no problem taking the presidential oath after losing the popular vote to George W. Bush. He's lost popularity contests before. But how will the country take it?
How will a populace already turned off to politics react to the news that the guy who's gotten the most votes isn't getting the job?
We're not looking at political science fiction here. Bush is leading in the national polls, Gore in the demographic motherlodes of California, New York, Florida, Pennsylvania and Michigan. Bush could easily outpoll Gore nationally, just as Gore could well outpoll Bush in enough states to win in the electoral college.
Jewish World ReviewCorrect me if I'm wrong, but when just the opposite happened, I don't seem to recall a similar editorial from Mr. Matthews chastising Bush for having
no problem taking the presidential oath after losing the popular voteChris has been a GOP whore for at least six years now...maybe longer.