Edited on Thu Apr-06-06 09:44 PM by vickiss
I had to tell Unca' Dick and Scoter about Vally Plam cause she knew we were trying to take WMD's into Iraq and other places in the axis of evil. It was the only way to pretect America, making sure we could take out these countries of evils.
We weren't sure wher to look for the WMD's we know they all have, this just mad it easer to cataupult the propganda and get ur done.
I talked to God and he tol me I had to do it for the sake of our Chrishtan notion. You know I always obey the word of God when he talksh ta me. As a Christan ish my job to God to shave America and make shure the Axishish of Evil countires become good Chrishtan democracizes.
Did I shay I would fire anyone? I nevrer shaid that. It wash all done in the fer natshinal shechurity sho I can't tell you why Unca' Dick, Rummy, my wife, I mean Condishleezy, Collie and I had to do it, but we did, we did. I never shaid that undr oth sho I dint lie.
An if anyone thinksh I am going down alone on theshe big lys, think agan. I wil squeall like a pig on evryone of thoshe mfer'sh. No one's gonna' make me look like a crimnal.
Hep me outt Harrie, you knowd alwaysh loved you. An beshides, I no a few things about you two, if you catich my wav.
Jusht cal me canare.
Uncla' Dick, why'sh you poinking that gun at me?!! There ain't no quailsh in hear dum
Dear Harriet,
Thank god I arrived in time to stop this fucking idiot! He knows more than we should ever have let a little weasel like him in on. No worries. :) I'm the president as of, oh 2 minutes ago and I've got all of our backs. I was my first pick anyway, but his damn father had to make us give the little s.o.b. a chance to play president before we instate martial law to help the people after the next "attack" by the "terrorists"!
Who left the fucking booze unlocked?!
President Dick Cheney