I've often wondered as I drive to and from work, seeing several cars with the ubiquitous "W" oval stickers, still others with Bush/Cheney stickers, if those who still PROUDLY have them displayed are out of touch, ignorant, stupid, or arrogant.
If a president I helped elect was polling in the mid-30s even among the most generous biased pollsters, I'd troll out the WD40 and get that thing off of my car in a heartbeat for fear that someone would vandalize it.
It occurs to me that the "W" sportin' folks aren't afraid, nor should they be. We on the Left are above such arrogant, disrespectful, and destructive behavior (I believe an awful lot of "them" know this too) and we should pride ourselves on that. I do.
However, we know that the other side is not--my yard sign and bumper sticker experience in '04 bears that out. They didn't stop with my yard sign, either.
The good news is--these ARE stupid, ignorant, out of touch, arrogant people. Yes, I said that's GOOD news.
They watch FAUX. They listen to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and "pretty, pretty hair" Tucker Carlson. They feel quite safe--nothing distorts their "reality."
That's just fine by me. They believe they are still ahead and that their factions are still strong.
Let them have FAUX, and Rush, and Tucker. Let them hear what they want to hear. Some hearts and minds are lost to us and we needn't worry about such a small faction, nary a bit.
Those Americans willing to open their minds have seen through the fog of BS and have come to our side of the fence.
We don't need to move to the center for those with open minds, nor should we--open minds are willing to move left just to get rid of this vile administration.
I'm jumping for joy about Delay's DEFEAT--make no mistake, he's running away with his tail between his sorry legs. He is DEFEATED. I know he isn't out, but he's way, way down--and as long as he stays near the Hill, we'll be watching his every move.
We are winning, make no mistake. And pardon my arrogance, but yes, I laugh a little at those damn white ovals. I'm only human.