This is a great idea. It is in addition to the DFA Training Academy. is coming. And Tom DeLay's resignation announcement earlier this week is only the tip of the iceberg.
The current Republican leadership can no longer hide the culture of corruption behind their spin machine. From the bungled response to Hurricane Katrina to port security to the war in Iraq, Americans are tired of pay-to-play politics and lack of accountability.
We're in a position to make huge gains in 2006, but we need to prepare for the battle to come. This won't be easy. But if we commit ourselves, we will take our country back. So in light of longer days and cherry blossoms blooming—we're "Springing into Action" by bringing back the DFA Night School.
In order to build a grassroots army and elect progressive candidates up-and-down the ballot, we need to make sure that DFA members have the skills to be effective in the campaigns ahead. Throughout the month of April, we are offering four online sessions of the DFA Night School that will focus on campaign basics. Join any or all of the DFA Night School sessions today:
April 11: Moving our Message
April 18: Building a Grassroots Army: Volunteer Recruitment
April 25: Rules of the Road: Canvassing
May 2: How to Make Phoning Fun
Also the new DFA List candidates are listed on the side of this post.
The latest DFA-List candidates that have won our support:
Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts
Anne Dicker, Pennsylvania State House
Marian Harris, Ohio State House
Salvador Peralta, Oregon State House
Lew Frederick, Multnomah County Commissioner (Oregon)
Jack Markell, Delaware State Treasurer
Francine Busby's special election in the CA-50 is coming up next week. Please contribute or volunteer today!
The Night School is in addition to the DFA Training Academy.