they got to be realizing that everyday that * continues in office is another nail in the coffin of the Repug party. They got to be thinking that they need to visit * in the WH and ask him to step down and if he doesn't they will begin all those investigations that they've been preventing and let the chips fall where they may.
If they don't do something like this soon - they are cooked as a party. Unless they know that they can Diebold the Nov '06 elections - they will lose both the House and Senate. The American people are fed up. They can't continue to take the constant day in day out revelations as to how corrupt this administration is. They can't continue to see the DeLay's resign, Abramoff's get jail time, Libby's indicted, American soldiers get killed in Iraq/Afghanistan; gas prices as well as all other prices go up, etc, etc, etc - and be told everything is hunky dory and they are being protected by *. The American people are smarter than that. And the Repugs have got to start listening to the American people or they won't be in a position much longer to have that opportunity.