Two weeks ago, millions of people of the Latina/o community all over the country were out in full force, "shocking" the msm with their unified message of protest of the draconian legislation being proposed by the fascists Representative Sensenbrenner from Wisconsin.
For several years, most people in this country KNEW that the president lied us into a war based on specious manufactured "evidence" of imminent threat of WMD's vis a vis the "Mushroom Cloud" on our soil.
We knew it was a lie before the war started, it took several months before it became clear to the doubters and the chicken hawks that promoted this war - the lies, the domestic spying, the outing of critics of the reasons for war, that were undercover CIA agents working on WMD's, and so and so on and so on. Enumeration of the huge list of evil doings by this regime isn't really necessary .
But yesterday, evidence of what most of us had already suspected and intuited was presented to our nation - the President and the Vice President authorized the outing of Valerie Plame to get back to the person that spoke Truth to Power on the lies and specious justifications for war.
Yet, no one is calling for a General Strike. No one is calling for a mass march on Washington. We are still criticizing Cynthia McKinney and an array of other issues of far less importance.
I don't understand. I am totally freaking out with the apathy here. I no longer recognize my country, i know longer recognize my party..
Why aren't Democratic party leaders holding full court press right this minute? Why are Democratic Party leaders explaining what has happened to our democracy and why are they not demanding that the people call on Bush and Cheney to step down right now?
I have to run a bunch of errands in a few minutes, I won't be able to get back to this posting until later, but i really hope to see that I'm not alone in my frustration and confusion.
Because this really feels like the Twilight Zone to me..