The Wall Street Journal reported this morning that the feds are investigating Rep. Alan Mollohan's (D-WV 01) finances and "whether they were properly disclosed."
According to the Journal, Mollohan's household assets exponentially grew (from $565K in '00 to at least $6.3M in' 04).
In addition, the article notes that one of his non-profit groups is "funded almost entirely through provisions he put into annual spending bills." NRCC Chmn Tom Reynolds called today for Mollohan to step down as ranking member of the ethics cmte until an investigation is complete.
Also, Pelosi has released a statement hitting back hard at the GOP. Replete with a chronlogical list of what she says are Dem efforts to reform the ethics process, Pelosi charges Hastert "and his Republican cohorts" with being "responsible for the most corrupt Congress in history." She adds that the GOPers "destroyed the ethics process in the House to protect their cronies Cunningham, DeLay, Ney, and other Members implicated in the Abramoff scandal - to name only a few." Pelosi: "The Speaker should join me in directing the Ethics Committee to get to work, and not cast aspersions on the independent and distinguished Ranking Member."
UPDATE III: The good-gov't crowd is now getting into the action. CREW, hardly a conservative front group, is calling on Mollohan to step down from his ethics post while under investigation. They add that if Mollohan does not "voluntarily step aside," Pelosi should "remove him and appoint a new member immediately." need a cocktail.