My fellow DU'ers, now is the time, if you haven't already, to get moving in your Districts and States to ensure that we have a turnover in at least one of the Houses of Congress.
If there were ever a time more ripe for change, I don't recall it, and it is not only in our best interests for the nation, but an obligation that we do all we can to block the bush agenda. We can do this if we work in concert and put aside much of the petty infighting that goes on within the Democratic Party.
We should remember that all politics are local, and we should gather our forces to get out the 58% of people that do not vote. Most of these people are even more disgusted than we are about the way the nation is moving, but they have lost the motivation to get out and vote. We are in a position to have a huge impact in the future of our nation.
The R's have nothing, and we must capitalize on that. Slowly, the D's are coming around to creating a platform, but we know the basics of how to express how we are now the party of the people. It is important to take one or two issues and pound them home. Just as the R's have used security and anti-choice, we need to have issues we can discuss that will draw people together.
Many of these ideas are on a local level though, and while we can discuss general things, it all comes down to the people in your districts and a feel for how they are looking at the present administration and no one knows better what's going on your neck of the woods than you.
Avoid confrontation when trying to get people get motivated. It does little good to get people all heated up over hot-button issues, explain what a new and better Congress could do for them. Things like health care, Social Security and a living wage can motivate people. Energy costs and the environment are issues that have a common bond throughout the population. Everyone wants to feel secure in their jobs and be able to house and feed their families. Child safety and realistic educational opportunities bring people together. Reminders that laws currently on the books need to be enforced as opposed to new laws that infringe upon the liberties we enjoy can win over many a convert, no one wants laws that will further inhibit the freedom we enjoy.
Requiring powers that be to be held accountable for their actions is a baseline talking point. We are not an Imperial nation, we expect our elected officials to abide by the same laws and ethical choices we are expected to be held accountable for. Justice is ingrained in the populace, and when citizens see people of power and wealth being treated with kid gloves, they get angry. They expect equal justice for all, regardless of status or wealth. The DeLay/Cunningham fiasco's are gifts, and we should be using them to aid us in recapturing the House and Senate.
This is doable, the R's showed us that Congressional turnovers are possible with a motivated electorate; we need to get these people motivated.
2008 means nothing at this stage of the game. 2006 will set the stage for '08, and we need to put the brakes on this administration by controlling Congress.
So let's all get moving on motivation. get out and talk to people, don't argue with them, educate them. We'll do this if we work together...:D