Broadcast on C-Span yesterday was none other than Karl Rove speaking to the "Republican Lawyers Association", which i caught already in progress... when i tuned in Karl was "speaking out" on the issue of "election reform" - in classic Rove-Orwellian speak - he was complaining about "election fraud" that "Democrats" were engaged in referencing the 2000 elections in various precincts and states - mentioning St Louis Mo., somewhere in Florida, Michigan, and Texas (if memory serves). Imagine my mouth dropping to the floor as i stood there with remote in hand, too stunned to move or even change the channel.
I was astounded to be listening to sentiments and complaints which could have been picked up right from or any other election fraud discussion boards and websites any of us concerned about the issue in 2000 and 2004 might have engaged in at one time or another.
There were the usual attacks on Democratic policies issues, and the usual hyping one the "health of the economy" and the soundness of tax cuts and blah blah blah.
What concerns me is the organization, "Republican Attorney Association" and why there isn't a Democratic Attorney Association or equivalent.. or at least not one that goes by a similar name... I would not consider the ACLU, nor the National Lawyers Guild as an equivalent, because their missions are non-partisan - focused on Civil Liberties, I read that the ACLU recently hired a Republican as their new director.
Does anyone know if there is a "Democratic Lawyers Association"? Google brings up international associations, i'm referring to an org that is a national equivalent to the RNLA.
This site (below) lists organizations that are a mixed bag of law associations, but none that i can see are equivalent.