Continuing our efforts to connect Fighting Dem candidates across the nation with the grassroots (us!), we hope you'll join us over at kos and participate in the discussion. Today's Diaries:
Live blogging by Kick Butt NCOs.
This week we will pay tribute to Daryl Campbell (MI-07), Rick Cornstuble (IN-04), Bern Ewert (VA-05), Thomas Hayhurst (IN-03), Ken Howland (NY-25), Jim Marcinkowsky (MI-08), Charlie Sanders (OH-07), Fred Stack (MI-07), and Al Weed (VA-05), and Jeff Greer (TN-07).
Ironically, we have two sets of primary rivals among our veterans today. Bern Ewert and Al Weed are both running for VA-05 and Daryl Campbell and Fred Stack are both running for MI-07. In primaries where the races are intense and the battles rage, it is inspiring to see that Fighting Dem Vets not only have developed the skills of teamwork gleaned from their military service, they also have the values of fair play and good sportsmanship. They believe their opponent is a good man or woman, but that nevertheless they are the best candidate. The are rivals in the race, but they are all members of the Band of Brothers. May the best man win!
2-4 ET - "The Elephant in the Room and What's Next for the Fighting Dems": Live Blogging by Eric Massa (NY-29)
Will be at
Daily Kos On Eric Massa's Diary
3-5 ET - FIGHTING DEM VET SPOTLIGHT ON SOLO RACES: Live Blogging by some of the candidates - TBA as they show up!