We don’t know (my mystery partner and I) but we’d like to.
Nothing would bring down the Republican house of cards faster than a crisis ensnaring the God Father of Orwellian spin, Rupert Murdoch, supreme lord of News Corp which owns Faux and the New York Post.
Am I stretching or is there reason to believe that Murdoch might be involved in a shakedown? Take a look, “I report, you decide.”
Murdoch owns the NY Post. The NY Post’s “Page Six” is the hottest gossip page in America. A long time gossip writer for Page Six approached a California billionaire and offered to get bad publicity off of Page Six in return for lots of cash. The approach was made AFTER the billionaire had written Rupert Murdoch a personal letter asking Murdoch to stop the printing of lies about him on Page Six.
Murdoch never replied to that letter…or did he?
If you conclude that Murdoch is involved, then move to the head of the class, I don’t see how it could be otherwise.
The Characters:
Leading men: The billionaire, the blackmailer and the dark lord. Jared Paul Stern, 10 year contributor to Post Page Six gossip page.
Ronald W. Burkle, California billionaire; one of the worlds richest men and a major fundraiser for the Democratic Party
Rupert Murdoch, playing himself, owner of the NY Post
Smaller roles: Richard Johnson, Editor of Page Six, the Post’s famous gossip page.
Sessa von Richthofen, : Johnson’s fiancée; got a great job with Revlon.
Cameo appearances: Harvey Weinstein : the co-founder of Miramax films; major Democratic Party fundraiser and supporter.
Ronald O. Perelman, the chairman of Revlon: major contributor to Democratic and Republican Party; Clinton contributor who hired Monica Lewinsky when she left DC (fired her when this was exposed).
It is well worth reading the NYT Article of yesterday. This is outstanding journalism. There is more between the lines than in the actual story indicating that they have some great follow up to pursue. Remember, this is the most intense reporting you’ll see in decades because it’s a
New York City Press War . The New York Times thinks it is superior to everyone, the Daily News hates the Post, and the Post wants to crush everybody. Here is the narrative from the NYT article.
NY Times coverage:
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/08/business/media/08post.html?_r=2&ei=5094&en=2b3608dee270d6ff&hp=&ex=1144468800&adxnnl=1&partner=homepage&adxnnlx=1144526503-29f7/bHAc8Hk4107PYk9IQ&pagewanted=print&oref=sloginHere’s the sequence of events. What stands out? Hint, hint - the color red;)1. Pate Six of the Post runs scandalous stories about billionaire Burkle, which are outright lies (flying his girlfriend to Aspen…he doesn’t fly, etc.).
2. Burkle has his lawyers complain to the NY Post Page Six group. The stories continue.
3. Burkle writes Rupert Murdoch directly asking him to stop the lies. 4. Mr. Burkle is approaches by Jared Paul Stern of Page Six. Stern who says he can reduce the negative coverage. 5. Burkle has his own investigators set up a sting where he catches Stern on video “demanding a $100,000 payment and a monthly stipend of $10,000 from Burkle in return for keeping negative information about him out of the paper.”
6 In the conversation, Stern also asks Burkle to (a) provide Page Six with scandalous information on the rich and famous and(b) invest in Mr. Stern’s clothing line
“Skull and Bones.” (I’m not making this up)7. Stern also tells Burkle that his boss’s fiancée, Ms. von Richthofen, has a great job with Ron Perelman and that another billionaire and Democratic fundraiser Harvey Weinstein has a special arrangement with the Post’s Page six to stay out of the paper. Ron Perelman is implicated with that same deal (Perelman gives to both parties and finds it annoying). 8. The story breaks when people who have seen the video tapes discuss it with reporters. 9. The Feds say that they are investigating.
The New York TimesApril 8, 2006
In Page Six Inquiry, Gossip Swirls Around Gossips
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/08/business/media/08post.html?_r=2&ei=5094&en=2b3608dee270d6ff&hp=&ex=1144468800&adxnnl=1&partner=homepage&adxnnlx=1144526503-29f7/bHAc8Hk4107PYk9IQ&pagewanted=print&oref=sloginThe New York Post is cooperating with a federal investigation into whether a longtime contributor for the Page Six gossip column <10 years>— the avidly read daily log of wrongdoing, double-dealing and sexual indiscretions by celebrities both minor and major — tried to extort money from a California billionaire, according to a spokesman for the newspaper.
Several people involved in the investigation said the reporter, Jared Paul Stern, had been captured on a video recording demanding a $100,000 payment and a monthly stipend of $10,000 from Ronald W. Burkle in return for keeping negative information about him out of the paper. Mr. Stern was suspended Thursday pending the outcome of the investigation, and could be dismissed, according to Howard Rubenstein, the spokesman.
But while the accusations against Mr. Stern are serious, it is the specter — raised by at least three people who say they know what is on the tapes — that Mr. Stern implicated several celebrities and New York power figures in an undisclosed, symbiotic relationship with Page Six that prompted an extraordinary day of full-throated and at times gleeful gossip among those who love, hate and avidly read the column.
Those who say they know what is on the tape said Mr. Stern named Harvey Weinstein, the co-founder of Miramax films, and Ronald O. Perelman, the chairman of Revlon, as being among those who have had their coverage on the page finessed. Through a spokesman, Mr. Weinstein flatly denied any improper relationship with the column and its main editor, Richard Johnson.