As discussed here: Sy Hersh is postulating that some senior military leaders are considering resigning rather than go along with plans to start a war with Iran.
In my view that is exactly the right thing to do.
Others, here and elsewhere, call for the military to 'do something' to stop what they (the military) see as the civilian leadership out of control. That 'something' would, in deed and in fact, be a coup d'etat. And that would be, in deed and in fact, treason. As in 'go before a firing squad' treason. And that would be terribly wrong and counterproductive; it would simply embolden and empower the cabal to suspend all civil rights and declare a dictatorship.
So let's go back to the notion of resignations. I think there's a real chance that could happen. Look at the recently retired big guys from the military. Tony Zinni .... speaking out against what's happening. Hugh Shelton ... working with John Edwards during the campaigns. Gen. Shalikashvili fired for not going along. Wesley Clark, running for President and constantly speaking truth to power. Even current JCS Chair, Marine 4-star Peter Pace, has consistently not been on the same page as the cabal. ( Barry McCaffrey, who worked in the Clinton Administration after his retirement has been speaking truth to power for a while now. Even Little Dicky Meyers, recently retired JCS chair is rumored to be left-leaning (sorry, I can't find a link for this, but I know I saw speculation about it). Retired Adm Crowe is a Dem. Many more examples up and down the ranks of the professional officer corps. Even back in my days in service, our then CNO, Adm Elmo Zumwalt, was a pretty liberal guy ... some even saw him, at the time, as a flaming, bleeding heart liberal who was out to ruin the Navy. Jim Webb, in Virginia, former Reagan Navy Secretary and Annapolis grad ..... running for the Senate as a dem and speaking out against the cabal at every turn.
Look at the Band of Brothers running for elective office ..... all dems except for what? One? Two?
As Hersh points out in the article/post linked above, the military has always been loyal to 'the president', even if not to the man holding that office.
I think this is very true today. Sure, there are some cheerleaders who choose to be, but mostly they're disgusted. Do you think Jack Murtha is without their support? You can bet your last dime that he's on every general's speed dial ... and they on his. He truly **does** speak for them.
Even slap happy cheerleader and maybe Senate candidate Tommy Franks was famously rumored to have been abused by the cabal in general and Rummy in particular. Sadly, in line with typical Republican-think (McCain, anyone?), he just bent over, spread 'em and asked for more.
But back to my point. I do think the military's senior leadership is considering this option. Surely any one of them with enough years to retire would be a fool not to.
And if that were to happen, where would that leave Little Lord Fauntleroy with his little fake flight suits and his little fake quasi-uniforms, and his penchant for using 'the troops' to cover for him?
But most of all, think what such a happening would do to the average 'Murikin'. They love their GI Joe images and their flags. And who owns that more than the military?
I think a mass resignation would send a message to the country and the world like none that has ever come before. If it were to happen all on one day it would truly be a historical day on a par with few others days in all of recorded history.