With all the talk from fox news and the White House that Sy Hirsh's piece that bush wants to
nuke Iran is not true today, I can only come to one conclusion. It is true.
This can not be allowed to happen. We are talking WW III here and the United States might start it.
All the Shi ites in Iraq would attack our troops and there would be terrorist strikes world wide like
we have never seen. Gas would be $6.00 per gallon. Radiation and toxins released by the blast and their
targets would have lethal effects world wide and for generations. This is sheer madness on the part
bush, Rummy, Cheney, and some of the Christian Right who think that a thermonuclear war would bring
on the big "Jesus Party" they want so much.
So get a fire in your belly and bitch big time.
http://www.bolt.com/PinksPage/audio/566192?cn=SET_9680_P!nk%20-%20IPink & the Indigo Girls have made us a song to keep us motivated.
"How do you sleep when the rest of us cry?"