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Britain's foreign secretary: idea of a nuclear strike ''completely nuts.''

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dajoki Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-09-06 08:26 PM
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Britain's foreign secretary: idea of a nuclear strike ''completely nuts.''

White House seeks to dampen talk of military strike on Iran


WASHINGTON, April 9 — The White House on Sunday sought to dampen the idea of a U.S. military strike on Iran, saying the United States is conducting ''normal defense and intelligence planning'' as President Bush seeks a diplomatic solution to Tehran's suspected nuclear weapons program.

Administration officials — from President Bush on down — have left open the possibility of a military response if Iran does not end its nuclear ambitions. Several reports published Sunday said the administration was studying options for military strikes; one account raised the possibility of using nuclear bombs against Iran's underground nuclear sites.

Britain's foreign secretary called the idea of a nuclear strike ''completely nuts.''

Dan Bartlett, counselor to Bush, cautioned against reading too much into administration planning.

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