To find local groups fighting for election integrity go to
VoteTrustUSA. Click the "Get Involved" link at top of page and down on the right States are listed. Click your state, contact the groups/people, and get involved!
Mark Crispin Miller on C-Span2 last night. Pretty scary what we're up against, and it's going to take ALL of us getting involved. What people are finally figuring out is this isn't a Dem vs Repub issue. This is about the takeover of the Repub party by the Fundies who are essentially on a suicide mission - i.e. "End of Times" is coming and they truly believe it is up to them to help it along. No need to worry about deficits, the environment, etc. Mark covers all this in his latest book,
Fooled Again - How the Right Stole the 2004 Election & Why They'll Steal The Next One Too. These people see
us as the enemy who must be defeated at any and all costs and will stop at nothing - they're literally pathological and truly believe in what they're doing.
Here's a snip from a transcript of a
talk Mark gave in Portland, November 2005:
...Understand that this is a theocratic movement. It is not just a bunch of corporations, that know better, slyly manipulating the pieties of the masses. That is a leftist fallacy. Because we are talking about the energetic, political participation of a number of extremely right wing billionaires with enormous clout, people like Richard Mellon Scaif, and Howard Ahmanson. These are people who are extraordinarily active and productive on the political front and they make Soros look like a piper. They spent far more money that he does. They spend it on propaganda; they spend it on political issues. Howard Ahmanson is the motive force behind the schism in the Episcopalian Church. He supports the Discovery Institute which is behind the spread of Intelligent Design. So to say there is religion over here and there are corporations over here is a mistake. It's not that simple because there are points of convergence.
What we have here is a movement intent on turning the United States into a Christian republic. Now they often say that the United States is a Christian republic, then you say to them, "As a matter of fact, it isn't." Look at say the First Amendment, look at Article 6 which forbids a religious test for office holders, look at everything the framers ever said on the subject. Well they don't want to hear that so they say, "Well, it's a Christian republic." Does this sound familiar? "Mr. President, there is no evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq." "0h yeah? there is too." "Go back and find it." "Oh, wait. Here it is, here it is." See? We think they are lying through their teeth, but please believe me that Cheney still believes there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. If it were only lying, or or if it was only machiavellian manipulation, I promise you we would be better off than we are right now. What we are dealing with is pathological. You tell them, "Hey, there is no evidence for intelligent design," and they say "oh yes there is." They proclaim that there is. There is no evidence that abstainance based sex education does anything except raise pregnancy rates and raise rates of sexually transmitted diseases. They say "" Because it's faith based...
Anyone who needs some basic information on what we're facing as far as elections, start out with "The Companies" and the "Technology" Chapters at
Who's Counting. Also, keep current with
BradBlog - he's been at the forefront of this since Nov. '04. Also, John Gideon of VoteTrustUSA posts "Daily Voting News" daily at BradBlog.
MCM said it's probably too late to fix the election system for Nov. but more and more people are becoming aware that we've got serious problems so eventually it
will be exposed, but it's up to us.