Rove gave a speech a few days ago to the Republican National Lawyers Association that was broadcast on C-Span. You can listen to it here: mostly ranted about how trial lawyers are destroying America and made a joke about how he's represented by the law firm of Nasty, Brutish and Short. But he also talked about the integrity of elections, said there is an "enormous and growing problem with elections."
And he said that our elections are starting to look like the votes that are held in countries run by "colonels in mirrored sunglasses."
Of course, the only thing Karl sees as fraud is that which tends to help Democrats. So he ranted about places where there are more registered voters than residents. He was really worried about mail-in ballots in Oregon.
And then he said something that I completely agree with: "Our democracy depends upon the integrity of the ballot box."
No, really. He actually said that. I swear.
And he even thanked the lawyers in the audience who helped steal the 2000 election. At least he had the decency not to thank Diebold.