Lapin's involvement in the Abramoff scandal hurt, or solidify, his position with Christian evangelicals?
The Rabbi Lapin/Jack Abramoff connection
On April 1, 2006 the Seattle Times reported that "Abramoff admitted in his own guilty plea in January that he funneled money through
Mercer Island religious foundation as part of an attempt to influence" Tony Rudy, Rep. Tom DeLay's former deputy chief of staff.
Lapin said that Toward Tradition "took $50,000 from two Abramoff clients and, at Abramoff's suggestion, used it to hire Lisa Rudy, to organize a Washington, D.C., conference for the group."
The Seattle Times also reported that "Lapin said he and his board had no idea the money was part of Abramoff's scheme to influence Congress and, in this case, stop legislation to raise postal rates and ban online lotteries."
Less than a year earlier, Rabbi Lapin was gaining a national reputation as the Christian right's go-to Rabbi. On June 25, 2005, the Washington Post provided an in-depth look at the Rabbi's growing political influence. The story talked about the Rabbi's frequent trips from his Washington headquarters to the nation's capital, where he would meet with the likes of Rep. Delay, Karl Rove, and hang out with his old chum Jack Abramoff.
long article detailing the gang's doings
sigh, another religious con man/crook