Bush's Search for Leakers Leads to His Mirror: Margaret Carlson
By Margaret Carlson
April 10 (Bloomberg) -- I. Lewis ``Scooter'' Libby, former chief of staff and close confidante to the vice president, looked into the maw of a grand jury and disgorged words that few thought could be squeezed out of him.
Libby told the grand jury, according to court documents obtained by the New York Sun, that he was authorized by President George W. Bush, through Vice President Dick Cheney, to spill classified information to New York Times reporter Judith Miller. This Libby did, on July 8, 2003, over drinks at the St. Regis Hotel, a few blocks north of the White House.
Prosecute Them The president has lots of authority, but it's not unlimited or without hoops to jump through. For instance, the president has the authority to pardon anyone he wants for any reason. But imagine if he'd told the veep to tell Scooter to tell the warden at the Alderson, West Virginia, prison to spring Martha Stewart early. He could never get away with such a thing.
The president wasn't unaware of the leaks; he was on top of them. And he isn't just a leaker, but a hypocritical one. He calls leakers of intelligence treasonous and vows to prosecute them. There's at least one official investigation going on now to track down and punish whoever leaked the existence of Bush's warrantless wiretaps.
McClellan repeatedly insisted that Bush's power to declassify on a whim was absolute on Friday, without citing any authority or expressing any need to.
http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=washingtonstory&sid=aA0KoKrk5.EcText of the excutive order on declassifying information