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C&L Vid Clip: Bush transformation into Captain Queeg ALMOST complete...

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Bush_Eats_Beef Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 10:39 AM
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C&L Vid Clip: Bush transformation into Captain Queeg ALMOST complete...
Wanna see how effective those speeches are? Take a look at this clip, courtesy of Crooks & Liars:

Leaker in Chief can't answer the question

In an outrageous attempt to avoid a very important question about the private military security that is running around in Iraq, President Bush-well starts panting out of desperation and then said he needed to ask Rumsfeld. How can he not know the answer to this question? Even with the Iraq government in flux-he's the President.




Q Thank you, Mr. President. It's an honor to have you here. I'm a first-year student in South Asia studies. My question is in regards to private military contractors. Uniform Code of Military Justice does not apply to these contractors in Iraq. I asked your Secretary of Defense a couple months ago what law governs their actions.

THE PRESIDENT: I was going to ask him. Go ahead. (Laughter.) Help. (Laughter.)

Q I was hoping your answer might be a little more specific. (Laughter.) Mr. Rumsfeld answered that Iraq has its own domestic laws which he assumed applied to those private military contractors. However, Iraq is clearly not currently capable of enforcing its laws, much less against -- over our American military contractors. I would submit to you that in this case, this is one case that privatization is not a solution. And, Mr. President, how do you propose to bring private military contractors under a system of law?

THE PRESIDENT: I appreciate that very much. I wasn't kidding -- (laughter.) I was going to -- I pick up the phone and say, Mr. Secretary, I've got an interesting question. (Laughter.) This is what delegation -- I don't mean to be dodging the question, although it's kind of convenient in this case, but never -- (laughter.) I really will -- I'm going to call the Secretary and say you brought up a very valid question, and what are we doing about it? That's how I work. I'm -- thanks. (Laughter.)
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Doctor_J Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 10:43 AM
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1. Combine bone ignorance with lots of tranquilizers,
and you have a man who could be driven to insanity by the simplest of questions. Come to think of it, if Queeg had taken a handful of Smirk's meds before the trial, he might have prevailed.
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amitten Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 10:56 AM
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2. I'm tired ot this "Don't ask me...I'm too silly to know!" crapola.
This public persona is used more and more frequently of late. This "Aw shucks, I wish I could tell ya but I jes' caint! Hee!" attitude from the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES.

It's not funny or cute or charming anymore. Shape it up or ship it out, asshole. Incompetence is not an attribute.:wtf:
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EVDebs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 10:59 AM
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3. Best part : "I don't mean to be dodging the question,.." n/t
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Vickers Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 10:59 AM
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4. Gawd, he is one stupid motherfucker. How have we dropped so low?
It breaks my heart that the world sees that jackass and equates it with America. :(
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rniel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 11:08 AM
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5. Wouldn't you love to have beer with this man
ha ha ha

This is the idiot that is going to start a nuclear war.

ha ha ha ha ha ROTFL!!!
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crappyjazz Donating Member (886 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 11:23 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. What me worry?
You know when he does that goddamn stupid shrug, his face reminds me of Alfred E Newman ... ugh
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leesa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 11:30 AM
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7. I wonder if she still feels honored by his presence?
Great question. Who's responsible for the behavior of the mercenaries running rampant, torturing and murdering at will in Iraq. Rummie ASSUMES, as usual, Bush dodges the bullet, as usual, Iraqis die, as usual.
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