Future Madame President is a money machine that is unstoppable when it comes to raising campaign funds. I heard Bill Clinton jokingly refer to himself as "the worlds best-known sinner" yesterday as he let voters sneak a peek at Hillary's first ace in the hole.
Putting God into politics is fine for a future First Hubby as long as Ms. President acts egalitarian and Democratic. Lots of First Ladies have been highly visible Christians. For all of those who will argue it's not quite Kosher, I only have one question: We Democrats don't have double standards about sex do we? According to a self-confessed, fast-forgiven "sinner" Republicans don't own God and Democrats have traditionally made a mistake in letting them claim they did.
If DeLay can pray and make issues go away, then so can Bill. The main difference is brother Bill presents much more charisma as he throws down a religious gauntlet. This nation of conservative Christian voters is sick of a war Jesus hates. Christ speaks to our hearts constantly, while teaching us it is morally wrong with His every written Word. Speaking of morals the Republicans have shown so few scruples that I suspect all those devoutly Catholic Hispanics will file for a divorce in November. Many of them realize that corruption is exactly what destroys most governments south of the border. They came here to escape it, not sponsor corruption with their votes.
This Clinton approach is Fundamentally sound and offers Salvation from the Republican Culture of Corruption but I don't think it will fly high on the far left. Most American voters, however, are no where near this distant ultra-liberal pole. Christians love nothing more than "sinners" who seek forgiveness before flying to the pulpit and preaching with the Glory of an Evangelist, with fire in his heart and a sense of humor to boot.
Did you people think I was simply kidding around last month, when I created all that art demonizing Republicans as it raises Democrats to lofty heights? Well, think again.