CORRECTION: I first posted this saying he's running for senate which resulted in a lot of backlash concerning him trying to steal votes from Bernie Sanders. My mistake. he's running for congress, the seat that Bernie is vacating. Same issues apply however.
From in Rutland Herald
Statement by Dennis Morrisseau, Republican candidate for Congress.
They are totalitarians. Obvious totalitarians. That is why they have to come down. The war in Iraq is not the reason. They began the war as a means to power over us. The war is first a way to silence us. Further sham elections will be an aid in that, but we have been suffering sham elections in America for some time now. (More on that later)
“Rove’s Dream”. You can probably Google it. It’s right in the open and yet somehow unseen: The plan to take control of all three branches of government and make that control permanent. “The Architect” Bush calls him. This "Architect", said to be a gay man, who bashes gays, has designed a strange church. An Orwellian church adding the power of religious belief and bigotry to government power, all in derogation of our beloved constitution, our beloved short history, real religion, our true values. Hate is love. War is peace. Stealing your lives, your sustenance, your oil, your children, your votes, your money, your minds—all in the name of “Freedom”, in the name of “Democracy”. That’s what we’re going to impeach them for.
These men and Ms. Rice are not Republicans. They are also certainly not conservatives. Nor Americans. I mean that. I hate to say it, because of the history of the phrase: they are un-American—in clear violation of their oath’s of office to “preserve and protect the Constitution”. Read the oaths. Read the Constitution. You can do all that in half an hour. Take the time.
These men and Ms. Rice are not hidden. Right in front of our noses they are condoning torture and a war of conquest. What are the permanent Iraq bases for? In court and in public, this group is claiming that The President’s War Powers trump all other US and international law—that Bush’s “inherent powers” as commander-in-chief to manage the war, mean that he can ignore court orders, written law, the Congress, and can override the Constitution itself, at will. That is why we must impeach them. And, by the way, I am a Republican. Running for Congress now, for ’06, up in Vermont. Will YOU run in your state? I’ll help You. Visit my website for openers: you.
Dennis Morrisseau
Send money: PO Box 177, W Pawlet, VT 05775
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