EAST HANOVER -- Philip Maenza, the 27-year-old candidate seeking a seat on the township council, switched from Democrat to Republican about two years ago, but still gets a chilly reception from some longtime Republicans.
He switched parties, he said, because "I really didn't think the Democrats had a future in town."With an entirely Republican township council, he may have been right. But entrenched town Republicans haven't exactly welcomed the Rutgers University graduate.
"I'm tired of the flip-flopping," Councilman John DePola said Thursday. "These people are just running under the Republican shield because Morris County is largely Republican." DePola's seat is the only one up for election in November, but he has said he's not seeking another term.
http://www.dailyrecord.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2006604140365So, he abandons whatever Lightly Held Principles he may have had in the first place for ambition's sake? BOTH Parties are right to snub him, in perpetuity.