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Yoo-hoo, Is Anyone Listening to Me? (Bush losing ground in polls)

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ProSense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 06:24 PM
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Yoo-hoo, Is Anyone Listening to Me? (Bush losing ground in polls)
Edited on Sat Apr-15-06 06:31 PM by ProSense
Yoo-hoo, he was a jerk back then too!

Yoo-hoo, Is Anyone Listening to Me?

Losing ground, even in the likability department
By Kenneth T. Walsh


Things aren't getting any easier for President Bush. Even his good-old-boy personality, which once was so appealing to so many Americans, seems to be wearing thin. His underlying problem, pollsters say, is that growing numbers of Americans question his competence and credibility. Only 38 percent of Americans approve of Bush's job performance, and--just as important--only 39 percent have positive feelings about him, according to an NBC News/ Wall Street Journal poll. "What you're seeing is a negative cycle," says a senior GOP strategist, "with bad news feeding on bad news, and it's having an effect."

At this point the direction of the polls--down--seems pretty well established, and Democrats contend that there has been a fundamental public shift in attitudes. "People used to see him as the kind of guy they'd like to have a beer with," says Matt Hogan, a Democratic public-opinion analyst for Democracy Corps. "They don't see him that way anymore. It used to be that while they didn't necessarily agree with his policies, they felt he talked straight and they could trust him. They don't trust him anymore." Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg says only 41 percent of Americans today feel warmly about Bush, compared with 50 percent who are cool to him. Just after the 9/11 attacks, 78 percent felt warmly about Bush; only 13 percent were cool toward him. "People don't like Bush now," Greenberg says. "There's a culture around him that is driving people away."

Day after day, the president's credibility has been under assault, even when the facts are in dispute. Last week, the Washington Post reported that in 2003 Bush declared that U.S. troops in Iraq had captured two trailers outfitted as mobile biological weapons labs even though a secret intelligence report at the time found the trailers had nothing to do with biological weapons. White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan attacked the Post report as "reckless," saying it was a preponderance of intelligence, now seen to be erroneous, that led Bush to make the statement about the Iraqi trailers, not a desire to mislead anyone. In another episode, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reported in the New Yorker that Bush has accelerated Pentagon planning for attacks on Iran's nuclear sites, including potential use of nuclear "bunkerbuster" bombs, a story the administration tried to shoot down as "speculation."

All this came on the heels of the disclosure that Bush authorized the declassification and release of information about prewar Iraq's nuclear capabilities in order to discredit critics like former Ambassador Joe Wilson. Democrats quickly condemned Bush as a hypocrite because he has been a longtime critic of leaks. Even more damaging is news that a growing number of retired senior military officers have turned against Bush's Iraq policy--which has become the biggest political millstone around his neck--and are calling for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's replacement.


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Kukesa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 06:28 PM
Response to Original message
1. I hear ya, ProSense -- and I like what I hear! nt
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Wapsie B Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 06:32 PM
Response to Original message
2. That's great!
But he doesn't have to run for election anymore. I don't know if he cares about his likeability one way or the other. I think it's great that people can see through the worthless piece of shit. It would be even greater if people tied the identity of the gop to w.
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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 06:33 PM
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3. His stupid jokes and all that dog-like panting...
What did people ever find likable about this buffoon? And from everything I've read from people who know him personally, he's a real king-sized asshole with a personality disorder. If I've said it once, I'll say it again - I cannot BELIEVE that the last six years really happened!

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yorkiemommie1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 06:49 PM
Response to Reply #3
6. i know someone who worked w/ him
...and didn't find him 'likable' at all.

not only that, but even one of his profs at Harvard made very negative remarks about him. It was out there for all to read but his presentation fooled a lot of the gullible.

..."Tsurumi said he remembers Bush because every teacher remembers their best and worst students, and Bush was in the latter group.

"Lazy. He didn't come to my class prepared," Tsurumi said. "He did very badly."

Tsurumi concedes that he disapproves of Bush's politics. He wrote a letter to the editor of his hometown newspaper, the Scarsdale Inquirer, that derided the president's claims to "compassionate conservatism."

"Somehow I found him totally devoid of compassion, social responsibility, and good study discipline," Tsurumi said. "What I remember most about him was all the kind of flippant statements that he made inside of classroom as well as outside."

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WePurrsevere Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 06:35 PM
Response to Original message
4. He's always been a wanker. BTW - what's with the future date on this?
I did a triple take at it and decided that either someone messed up or I've lost 9 days soemwhere along the way.... and I haven't even had any good stuff. :silly:
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Virginia Dare Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 06:44 PM
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5. So what difference does this make?
A year ago I would have said this is good news. The idiot savant doesn't pay attention to polls and he has a messiah complex whereby he thinks he's right even if everybody else in the entire world disagrees with him. So unless the Republican controlled Congress grows some elephant sized cajones in the next couple of months, I don't see where this should matter much.
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Greyhound Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 07:33 PM
Response to Reply #5
10. Exactly, it has been a non-issue since the '04 election.
I'll say it one more time (today), HE DOESN'T CARE WHAT HIS APPROVAL RATING IS ANYMORE! It doesn't matter and it gives the other re:puke:s their re-election strategy of running away from him. Sadly, it may work.
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kansasblue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 06:49 PM
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7. Fifty-four percent (57%) disapprove, Strongly Disapprove 42%

During Election 2004, Rasmussen Reports had the largest online audience of any public opinion research company, peaking at 1.8 million daily page views.
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Oversea Visitor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 07:06 PM
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8. Was not it 34% approval
Damn even when they write a bad piece they put in spin to jack up approval to 38 or 39 :rofl:
Soon they say 40 :rofl:
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Arugula Latte Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 07:19 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Well, there are many polls.
They're using one that is in the "higher" low range of approval for him.
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Oversea Visitor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 07:34 PM
Response to Reply #9
11. You only need to look at the massive
online poll that has few hundreds thousands respondents to get answer,
All other polls pure nonsense cause sampling is in doubts

Haha few hundred thousand less accurate that a couple of thousands :rofl:

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Union Thug Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 07:41 PM
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12. "Good ole boy personality"??? WHAT?
Bush has always come across to me as an arrogant, spoiled, little rich boy. I've never seen anything likeable about that obnoxious little creep.
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madeline_con Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 08:19 PM
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13. "... his good-old-boy personality ..."
It was SO put on. Anyone who's ever known a real good-old-boy knew better than that crap at first sight.

Like a badly done Virginia accent on an actor who's supposed to be in Georgia, real G.O.B's know when they're having smoke blown up their a$$.
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