Willie Horton equivalent ads? Swiftboating? Pushpolling to push fake rumors (e.g. McCain's "black child")? Floating fake adultery rumors through murky, hard to identify sources (e.g. Polier intern rumors about Kerry from primaries)?
The dirtiest pool allegation I can think of is the widely circulated "conventional wisdom" that the Daley machine crookedly delivered IL to JFK. The most effective negative ad campaign I can think of is the one where Goldwater was painted as a warmonger.
I thought Clinton's campaigns were primarily positive despite all the venom directed against him. Gore and Kerry also. Carter certainly. I don't remember as much from Dukakis and Mondale aside from the "Where's the Beef" stuff which I personally didn't think was that great.
Any other examples of negative campaigning or dirty/questionable tricks by Dems, effective or not?
The reason I posted this is because I wonder whether some tactics along the Rovian lines should be used by our side to help win, as detestable as the idea is. People DO seem to respond to the nasty Swiftboating type campaigns, all protestations to the contrary.
If you are an incumbent, and presiding over propsperity and peace, then it seems more appropriate and probably more effective to campaign positively and emphasize how well things are going and discourage people from "rocking the boat" (a POSITIVE "are you better off now than you were 4 years ago" message). Or exercise true leadership and point to some future initiative, whether it is independence from oil through research, environment, some scientific endeavor, and just ignore the challenger as insignificant.
Obviously shrub had no positive accomplishment to point to in '04 (aside from enriching rich people, which wouldn't really do to emphasize on the stump), so he had to get down in the dirt to trash Kerry, which his team did with relish, and quite effectively.
Should Democrats not at least consider using negative campaigning in a big way? At least weigh pros and cons seriously?