Not one single blogger, not one reporter, summarized Dean's Q&A at the breakfast with The American Prospect. Not one. Yes, it was a long session, but so many important things were said. I call our bloggers out on this. Dean was very candid about the DNC goals, and no one is bothering to cover it. Here is the link to the audio, a large file, and not very clear....but worth it.
I have summarized a few parts from the audio, since those who were there apparently did not care enough to what is the purpose of going?
Here is the audio file in QT. Here are my summaries on the state political directors and their requirements, the voter files, and recent wins.
Republicans have been way ahead of us, they have had 4-year campaigns for years. We have had only 10 month campaigns.
Talking about the people being hired in the states.
4 requirements for people hired.
First, they have to be diverse. Said there had only been one Hispanic in the TX party, and you can't run things that way.
Two, they have to be trained by DNC, multiple times. Bring them to DC, 5 states at a time, train them, then they come back. Then we keep doing that.
Three, they have to sign on for four years. They can't get good at what they do and then run off and do something else. They get paid decently, and they get benefits.
Four, by the 2008 elections they must have a Democrat in charge in each precinct in their state. Someone willing to stand up and say I'm a Democrat, I'm organizing this matter how Republican that area is.
My transcription of Dean's remarks on the voter file issue.
We're building a different kind of voter file. Because campaigns have not been continuous in our party, you pay a lot of a voter file, use it, then it disappears after the election. Candidates are generally very protective of their voter files. May be good for the candidate, but not good for the Democratic Party. Voter files do better the more you use them.
We are building an online voter file, we giving it away free to the state parties. The state parties set the rules for who gets it and how it can be used in their state. (I have a new appreciation for voter files, since hubby and I are starting to use one, get tallies, and figure out who and how to canvass with limited human resources in a very conservative area.)
The DNC will retain ownership of the database, and the local candidates will have use of it. Uploads and changes go to the DNC and stay in the database. His ultimate idea is that with this voterfile accessible at local levels throughout the country, then by the presidential race there is no need to pay for a 20 million dollar voterfile.
Then he goes on to tout that this appears to working. He speaks of 4 wins over Haley Barbour's tactics recently.
About winning locally:
He mentions how Haley Barbour decided to take over the MS state house before the elections by appointing conservative Democrats to state boards and commissions and running Republicans in their districts to try and win.
"We beat them 4 special elections in a row in MS."
"We won the mayorship of Mobile, AL, we won the mayorship of Tulsa, OK. We've won races in Utah and Missouri, all grassroots stuff. Not high-profile races, sometimes we put a little money into the state parties to help them, but usually just grassroots organizing. My philosophy is you can't win the presidential if you can't win the city council, the mayoral, and the school board. It 's a 4 year effort and its a continuous campaign."
And I recently posted this part in another thread, about small donors:
"One thing we're changing fairly dramatically is fundraising. We are still doing a lot with big donors. We did a great event Monday night with President Clinton and Al Gore. The official number was 1.3 million, but it will be higher than that.
And...that's great. But..what we're really pushing for is something called Democracy Bonds.
(He explains more about them and the steady source of operating funds they provide.) Emphasizes again they are small donors.