By Number Six, Section OpEd
Posted on Sun Apr 16, 2006 at 07:23:54 AM EST
Those who know me personally, those who know me by my rants know full well: Living in a red state has its pitfalls....
It's never been easy. Born into a southern Baptist family, and yet, owning a mind donated by Vulcans. You get the idea: Unless it comes armed with Aristotlian logic, up yours, thanks.
Of course, I'm anti-religion, well, most of them, especially the literalist variety that come equipped with rules that defy quantum (7 days does not equal 14.2 billion years), sex (I own a penis for a logical reason, so I can make reproductions, duh!), food (lean pork, like tenderloin, is low in cholesterol), I mean, shit, the list of no-no's goes on further than a Fibonacci sequence. Sorry, as far as I am concerned, women are legitimate humans in their own right (fuck you, fundie Islam!), children are most precious, and we are to tend well this little ball of blue (sideways, motherfucking American Taliban!).
The more religious some are, the more they worry me.
Some are okay, tame, so to speak, not all that bad. I liken a lot of them to being fellow mystics; we agree there is a God, but the rules imposed so far are like turn signals on a roller coaster. So far, I've not been visited by apparitions or wild dreams, so, not to worry, I am not forming a cult anytime soon. Put money on it.