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You sound like all the rightwingers who wanted to attack Iraq because Al Qaeda attacked the US. Iran is no more Iraq than Iraq was Al Qaeda. Using Al Q as an excuse for invading Iraq makes no more sense than using Iraq as an excuse for not invading Iran.
Lets go back to 2001. The Taliban with extensive backing from Iran were preparing to finish off the Northern Alliance. The Taliban had Afghanistan so well in hand that many of the Taliban's supporters had begun crossing the border into the former Soviet Republics bordering northern Afghanistan to spread the Islamic Revolutionary Movement.
Who was screaming and hollering about the Islamic Revolutionary Movement and the threat it posed to the rest of the world? The very liberal NOW (National Organization of Women) was the primary activists working on this issue. As Afghanistan had proven, women not raised in a country under Islamic law who suddenly find themselves living under such laws are unable to cope. Honor killings, stonings and beheadings of women in places like Iran and Saudi Arabia occur with enough infrequency to be a big story when they do. In Afghanistan hundreds of women a day were receiving such punishments. Because the average woman of Kabul was no more prepared for such a life than the typical woman in Manhattan.
This is not some bogey man. It exists. Iran was their first success. Several countries in Africa have since fallen. The genocide in Darfur is part and parcel of this movement. Niger keeps drifting closer and closer to this state of affairs. There are several such movements scattered around the Indian Ocean.
Given that this started in Iran, we know Iran played a big part in its success in Afghanistan, and that Iran is supporting the revival of the Taliban as I write this, I could make an argument for invading Iran. In fact, my argument for invading Iran (to hurt the Islamic Revolutionary Movement) would be much the same as the argument I used against invading Iraq (Saddam opposed the Islamic Revolutionary Movement).
Disclaimer: I could. But I won't for two reasons. One, while Iraq and Iran are clearly different creatures, idiot's lies vis-a-vis Iraq have destroyed this administration's credibility. As evidenced by your post, any policy/action touched by idiot will be tainted. Better that he do nothing and let a later President tackle Iran if necessary.
And, two, Iran has a very active opposition party. It may be that both parties believe in the same intrusive foreign policy (remind you of anywhere else?). But I don't know enough to say one way or the other. But given that hope, then we know perfectly well that military action against Iran will have the same results as, say, 9/11 did here. The country will rally around the militant, rightwing, relgious nutcases. And our security is best served by Iranian progression, not regression.
So I am not saying we should invade Iran. I am just saying your argument that we should not invade Iran because we shouldn't have invaded Iraq, is flawed.