Democratic Congressmen Dennis Kucinich and Peter DeFazio sent letters to President Bush today demanding answers to the asseration that Bush has already launched military operations inside Iran without Congressional approval. Here is part of the letter Kucinich sent.
Mr. President, recently, it has been reported that US troops are conducting military operations inside Iran. If true, it appears that you have already made the decision to commit the US military to a unilateral conflict with Iran even before direct, or indirect negociations with the government of Iran has even been attempted, without UN support, and without authorization from the Congress. You are duly bound to seek Congressioanl authority from the Congress to launch any strike on Iran.
DeFazio will introduce legislation "expressing the sense of the Congress", that Bush cannot initiate military action against Iran without the approval from Congress. He is forwarding his letter to other members of the House so he can get other signatures to back him up. Lets see how many Democrats and Republicans have the balls to sign on to DeFazio's letter. My guess is not many.