10, 2006--PDA endorses Stephanie Studebaker in the 3rd Congressional District of Ohio. Stephanie Studebaker—-mother, veterinarian, and progressive activist—-is the presumptive nominee in this three-way Democratic Primary to take on incumbent Republican Mike Turner in Southwest Ohio. In the May 2nd primary, Stephanie is fighting against two conservative Democrats, one of whom was a registered Republican until recently. Stephanie is particularly excited to show Southwest Ohio and the nation how Mike Turner's rubber stamp approval of Tom Delay's Congressional policies has harmed her district.
Stephanie firmly believes in supporting our men and women abroad and withdrawing from the war in Iraq. She looks forward to working with leaders from both parties and the administration to develop and implement a sound exit strategy.
Stephanie opposes the trade agreements, like CAFTA and NAFTA, which have put American workers at a disadvantage in the global marketplace. She supports restoring historic funding for student loans and Pell Grants and developing a Federal pre-kindergarten system to improve our children's ability to learn. She understands that without serving as a watchdog of the purse, without cutting back on pork barrel spending, and without really working to eliminate the national debt, essential American services will continue to be cut by this Congress, and working class Americans will suffer.
While occupying the Ohio 3rd District seat, her Republican opponent, Congressman Turner, presided over the second highest job loss in the nation. From September 2004 to September 2005, the Dayton metro area lost 4,800 jobs; since then it's had another 1,700 layoffs. Under the Congressman's watch, this small corner of Ohio had the highest rate of home foreclosures in the state, and one of the highest rates in the nation. With Delphi, one of the region's largest employers threatening bankruptcy, the 3rd District continues to serve as a poster child for the failed policies of this Congress.
Republicans in Washington, D.C. are rightfully worried that Congressman Turner may not make it back to Congress next year; in fact, Congressman Turner's House seat has been publicly identified as vulnerable by the GOP. Republican lawmakers have selected Turner as one of five recipients for significant funding under the SHROMP, Sophomores Retaining Our Majority Program, in order to keep him competitive at home.