I think if our Democratic leaders could talk to us openly, without the media misinterpreting whatever they said....that it would sound a lot like what O'Donnell said tonight about plans.
I will watch for the transcript or else tape the 2nd showing. But here is sort of what he had to say.
There likely won't be any specific plans from the Democrats by November, as much as the media would like for there to be. He said they really don't need to run an anti-Bush campaign in a major way, that all they need to do is convince a few previous Bush supporters to turn to them. He is right.
People got lied to by this president. They are hurting and angry. We can prove what Bush is doing is wrong, we can point it out. But we are on shaky ground with people whose eyes are just opening up about things.
It is happening in my family, they are starting to come around. But it is shaky. I must not even act vindictive or they turn right back again. It is something they need time to absorb without vengeance and hatred being directed their way or toward the president who let them down. I want so badly to say "I told you so" to a few uncles and aunts. But the fact they are trying is something for them. We are about the only Democrats in our family, and I having to see where they are coming from on this.
He said that no Iraq plan would be forthcoming in any specifics from the Democrats because they are out of power. A plan would mean little. I think their presenting a sort of plan right now is about as good as it will get. He said no one knows what to do there, and I fear he is right. We and the Middle East will be damned if we do get out, and we will be even more damned if we don't.
The GOP and the media are waiting with bated breath for a Democratic plan on everything so they can rip it to shreds. O'Donnell grinned sort of when he said that there would be no plan, no matter how badly the media wanted it.