My uncle, a solid Dem in the red part of Virginia sent me this Email. have previously had discussions on politics where he has taken a less liberal side than I have. One of these was the "Death Tax." Because of the obscene profits by petroleum company executives, I think I was finally able to make my point.
It won't really help. It will only hurt the individual gas station owner. Exxon/Mobile doesn't just sell gas like Dupont doesn't just sell Teflon. They are diversified, which shields them from any boycott.
We need to pressure our elected officials to do something about the price gouging that is happening right now. The petroleum companies are seeing record breaking profits. This profiteering will soon cause other economic problems.
Food will become more expensive as the cost to harvest and transport it grows.
As money is diverted to pay for essential transportation costs, people will not buy other items and retail businesses will be hurt.
People will cut back on vacations and entertainment, those industries will suffer.
The restaurants will have fewer customers as it takes gas to get there and there will be less disposable income for the extras.
The richest people we know are mere paupers compared to the executives of the oil industry. These fat cats are only getting richer and their taxes are at a minimum so that April 15 is only another day. It would take the Annual income of several of us to even make up their income for a day. Is it no wonder that they want the inheritance taxes eliminated so that they can pass these riches down to their heirs for generations.
This is not money that they have worked hard to earn, this is money acquired by a new age of robber barons. With the elimination of taxes on dividends, their great-great-grandchildren will never have to work a day in their lives, but will have the same benefits as taxpayers. They will still have fire protection and police protection and public parks and even though they might not use them, public schools. The same armed services that fight to protect taxpayers will fight to protect them.
I think this is as good example as I can think of why we still need an inheritance tax on estates worth over a certain threshold. I consider dividends to be income and think they should be taxed also.