The complete list is here: Katrina coverage got all the attention Mon & Tue, but let's not overlook the other coverage that was honored (NOTE TO MODS-pretty hard to decide what constitutes a 'paragraph' here, so I'm just leaving a lot out and hoping):
The Washington Post (revelations about lobbyist Jack Abramoff)
The Washington Post (Dana Priest, secret prisons)
The New York Times (James Risen/Eric Lichtblau, NSA wiretapping)
Copley News Service/The San Diego Union-Tribune (probe of Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham)
Rocky Mountain News (Jim Sheeler, 'Final Salute')
Rocky Mountain News ('Final Salute') IIRC, 'Final Salute' was the coverage of war dead being returned to the US -- you may remember the infamous photo of airline passengers watching as a serviceman's coffin was loaded into the cargo hold of a regular commercial flight.
It's interesting to note how many of the Pulitzers went for coverage of Republican crimes and failures -- an overwhelming majority, in fact. (I'm not sure about the stories covering mental health, though that seems likely to be connected, or the Criticism award for coverage of fashion -- though maybe Laura or the twins had something to do with that one.)