The Ohio GOP and corporate news media has been pulling this scam on voters for the last 16 yrs or more - that GOP senators Voinovich and DeWine are "moderate". Its time someone called them on it. Here the Columbus Dispatch starts the same old crap of labeling any Dem running for Senate a "extreme liberal". Straight from the GOP talking points. They become very, very fearful any time Brown starts talking about minimum wage and trade issues. Watch carefully for the GOP to steer voters away from these important issues. race for the U.S. Senate in Ohio could feature a matchup between a too-extreme liberal Democrat and an independent-minded Republican.
Or it might be a race between a mainstream progressive challenger and a President Bushbacking incumbent with ties to Gov. Bob Taft.
It depends on whom you ask.
U.S. Rep. Sherrod Brown, a Democrat, defines his race against Republican Sen. Mike DeWine in the latter terms. While others label him liberal — or "out in left field," as the state GOP prefers — he calls himself a progressive. DeWine, he said, is not nearly as moderate as he tries to look.
"I’m in the mainstream on every major issue in this race," Brown said in a meeting with Dispatch editors and reporters, noting his opposition to the Medicare prescription-drug plan and the war in Iraq, and his support for importing drugs and raising the minimum wage.
Brown pointed to a study by Congressional Quarterly showing DeWine voted against Bush 24 percent of the time in 2005, but that number was never higher than 6 percent in any other year since 2000.
"Mike DeWine has been just where George Bush has been on the Iraq war, on Medicare, on Social Security privatization," Brown said.