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Are Scotty and Rove just two more cards in the House of Cards...

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kentuck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-19-06 02:13 PM
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Are Scotty and Rove just two more cards in the House of Cards...
Of course, Andrew Card was the first card to fall. And Bush brought in Josh Bolten and gave him unprecedented powers to hire and fire whomever he wanted. The low polls became more than Dubya could bear, it appears. This morning, Scotty McClellan announced his resignation and Rove was demoted from policy-making in the White House, or so it is reported.

Will the House of Cards continue to stand or is this the beginning of the collapse? Without Rove, Bush is just another simple conniver. Of course, McClellan should have been gone long ago. He had no credibility left whatsoever, but Bush is very slow to let anyone go from his circle of friends.

Who will be the next card to fall? Will it be Snow? Rumsfeld? Or someone else? The next person that leaves could bring down the whole House of Cards. And Dubya will have to start afresh. But is he capable of starting anew? There are too many secrets and lies to protect. How can he trust all the new people that might come in?
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oldtime dfl_er Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-19-06 02:16 PM
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1. This is not a real shakeup
despite how the press is reporting it and the WH is spinning it. Snotty's time was up, he's under pressure from Fitz, and he'd pretty much run out of ways to lie. Rove is simply being positioned to steal the next midterms.

A real shakeup would be Rumsfeld resigning. And that aint going to happen.
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leveymg Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-19-06 02:18 PM
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2. How can they trust the new people coming in?
He'll make them commit a felony before they're given White House badges. Just like any other Gang.
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partylessinOhio Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-19-06 02:25 PM
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3. Are you kidding?
Do you know how many evangelicals there are? If * changes the White House cabal once a week, they will never run out of players.
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AlinPA Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-19-06 02:35 PM
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4. re:"Rove was demoted from policy-making in the White House, or so it
is reported". Bush** can't make a move without Rove, so the report is all it is.
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Sinti Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-19-06 02:58 PM
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5. Shell game
Rove maintains his deputy chief of staff to the resident position, honestly I'm sure he's still policy czar just untitled, he's still one of the king-makers.
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