Just a quick glance here:
http://www.motherjones.com/commentary/columns/2006/03/macro_micro.html and here:
http://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/0306/032806op.htm shows that while **sentiment** is on our side, the actual trends in a race by race analysis is not.
At the second link, Charlie Cook says "
Structural barriers are protecting the GOP's majorities like seawalls, and would likely withstand the surge from a Category 1, 2, or 3 storm."
That contrasts with this from the first link: "
There now appears to be an enthusiasm gap among voters in the Democrats’ favor. In the latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, they asked voters to rate their interest in voting from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest. The result: 53 percent of Democrats rated themselves a “10" but only 43 percent of Republicans. Similarly, 53 percent of those who expressed a preference for a Democrat-controlled Congress rated themselves a 10, but only 38 percent of those who preferred a Republican-controlled Congress."
Folks, we have our work cut out for us. For all the shit news coming from the junta, it seems the country still favors 'their guy' on the local level. And there are simply more TheirGuy(R) than there are TheirGuy(D).
I think the tide and trends are going our way, but we ****really**** need to want it more than they do. And that will manifest itself by the passion of the grass roots.
At the national level, our team has to be ready to do anything it takes to win. And if that means less than savory activity, so be it. I can go with that. I hope most of us can, too.
There's the classic story about LBJ giving someone advice on how to win in a close election: "Call him a pig fucker and make him deny it."
LBJ was right.