April 19, 2006
Who Replaces Scott?
As first reported by CNN yesterday, Tony Snow has spoken with the WH about the job.
Other names mentioned:
Rob Nichols, currently the pres. of the Financal Services Forum? Insiders think his appointment is unlikely, although he does know Bolten.
Dan Bartlett It would obviously be a step down, but he is arguably the best on-camera communicator the Bush White House has... and he has a good relationship with most members of the press. He's also -- obviously -- very close to Bolten and Bush. He could do it for the rest of the year, groom a deputy in the meantime.
Victoria Clark -- She's close to Bolten, and, importantly, could assert herself as a peer to Rove and Bartlett. Would she take the job if her access to Bush and Bolten were guaranteed? Would the WH worry about her role as Pentagon spokeswoman during the Iraq war? Still, Clarke, asked a few weeks back about whether she'd take the job, replied: "You know, what did Sherman say? If nominated, won't run; if elected, will not serve. Not happening."
Dan Senor -- very well liked, but some in the president's circle believe that he enjoyed the spotlight a bit too much when he was Bremer's press guy. The Bush White House doesn't reward flash and sizzle, at least when manifested by aides to the president. His recent marriage to NBCer Campbell Brown is considered by some Republicans to be a "deal-breaker." http://hotlineblog.nationaljournal.com/archives/2006/04/who_replaces_sc.html