This is what the Iranian president had to say <a href="http://apnews.excite.com/article/20060419/D8H3AQBG2.html">about high oil prices</a>:
<i>"The global oil price has not reached its real value yet. The products derived from crude oil are sold at prices dozens of times higher than those charged by oil-producing countries," state-run Tehran radio quoted Ahmadinejad as saying.
"The developed nations are the biggest beneficiary of the added value of oil products," he said.</i>
Uh, dude, the oil is only worth that <i>after</i> it's been refined into gasoline, polymerized into plastics, etc. Until then, it's worth $72 a barrel. Want to make Bush and Biggus Dickus <i>really</i> go completely apeshit? Forget nukes; build some oil refineries, and tell the world you'll only sell the finished gasoline, diesel, polyethylene pellets, etc. Cut Exxon-Mobil, Dow Chemical, etc., completely out of the picture. That'll get their attention, I guarantee it.