It makes no difference to you what gas costs…in fact, you really don’t care what much of anything costs.
You’re sick and tired of uninsured people crowding the hospital emergency rooms when you need to get in!
You’d like to tell the whiners who’ve lost their jobs to outsourcing that they have no one to blame but themselves for demanding better pay and benefits.
You’ll be happy to send your sons and daughters to fight in the “war on terror”.
If gays are allowed to get married…uh, uh, something bad will happen!
It’s up to the government to decide when a woman should have a baby.
You think stem cell research is junk science.
No one you know or care about has diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Multiple Sclerosis, heart disease, cancer or any of the other diseases that may be cured by Stem Cell Research.
You think global warming is a myth.
You don’t care if the glaciers melt or the rain forests are cut down. You’re not vacationing there anyway! You don’t want tree huggers to have any influence over regulating business.
It’s fine with you if the government sells our national parks to private industry. Who cares if it’s called the “Hooters Grand Canyon”?
You think people who need any kind of government assistance are lazy slackers.
You believe it’s okay for the government to listen to your phone calls, see everything you do on the web, read your e-mails, read your snail mail, and even search your house without your knowledge because, hey, you haven’t done anything wrong!
You think that whoever invented “swiftboating” was a genius!
You believe anyone who complains about the voting machines being rigged or dirty tricks on election day are just crybabies.
You think the President can do whatever he wants as long as he says he’s doing it to protect America.
You believe that anyone who questions the President’s actions (especially during “wartime”) is a traitor and they’re giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
You believe that a President lying about having an extramarital affair is much worse than a President lying to the American people in order to get them to support his decision to go to war.
You believe that it’s America’s responsibility to force Democracy down the throats of any country with any other form of government.
You don’t believe in the separation of church and state. You don’t care if your taxpayer dollars are spent to fund religious programs, events, statues or displays…as long as they’re Christian.
You believe that 9/11 happened because Bill Clinton didn’t capture Osama bin Laden when he had the chance.
You believe that there was nothing George W. Bush could have done to prevent 9/11.
You think Saddam Hussein was somehow involved in 9/11 and no matter what anyone says; he had WMD’s and was ready to strike the United States.
You don’t care that the rest of the world hates America. You’ve never liked foreigners anyway.
(I could go on and on...)