Bush approaches his floor:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=132&topic_id=1788479&mesg_id=1788479That's how bad it is. Approximately 33% of this country believe that all that matters is having the right religious beliefs, and will do anything to get the theocracy elected.
This is the irreducible core of those who will back Bush no matter what, and will never admit that Bush has made a single mistake, in order to keep Bush strong enough to impose the theocracy--or at least outlaw abortion and gays.
I come to this from the fact that Alan Keyes got 27% of the vote in the Illinois race against Barack Obama. Keyes had zero to recommend himself except his christianity--he couldn't even count on a local family or friends, since he had none in Illinois, having been paradropped from Maryland to take over the race. No experience, no base of support, no agenda--except an unapologetic desire to bring christianity to government.
He campaigned in churches, mostly. His platform was to bring religious reform to government and return it to christian values. That's it.
And he got 27% in a BLUE state against an extremely attractive opposition candidate, who actually lived here, worked here, and stood for pretty moderate positions.
Additionally, if you look at polls about those who would believe Clinton killed Vince Foster or that Clinton should be impeached, you get about a third.
A third of America will say anything, vote for anything, absolve anything, in order to get their agenda imposed on us.
And they are in charge today.