engaged in behavior that was harmful to himself, the sensible thing to do would be to point out his behaviors and do everything to make him stop doing it.
That's assuming you actually cared about that person. If you didn't, you would essentially be promoting that behavior. There is a worse degree of behavior that is known as "enabling": for example, if you were to give an alcolic a drink, you would be enabling him to engage in harmful behavior, increasing the liklihood of getting that person in a world of trouble since he may get himself killed or at the very least jailed and humiliated.
So who in their right mind would actively encourage such abhorrent behavior? Doing nothing or enabling is bad enough, but who in their right mind would tell someone to do illegal drugs? Who would actively encourage that person to hurt himself or others? Who would be so depraved as to say that doing wrong is ok?
Certainly not a friend or someone worthy enough of being called "compassionate", let alone "considerate" or even "caring".
Needless to say of course I'm talking about GW Bush. But who are the people in question that let Bush engage in the sort of behavior that made him into the failure he is today? Who are the people that let him carry on, saying that gaffes and foibles were an "aw-shucks" kind of cuteness? Who are the people who said that his lack of intellect was a strength? Who were the ones who told him that he was heroic when he dodged responsibility?
Everyone at Free Republic. That's right folks, the people at Free Republic don't care about Bush. Otherwise, the man they chose as their leader would not have been allowed to embarrass them so much. In fact, they do it to the point that you can just tell they have a deep-seated seething hatred of the man.
That's not to say that liberals or democrats have a hidden admiration for Bush either, but at least they have the decency to say "HEY STOP SIGNING YOUR NAME ON THE FLAG AND STOP SIGNING YOUR NAME ON THE CROTCH OF THAT MAN'S JEANS AND LEARN TO LEAD IN THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE!!!"
That also comes from having self-respect.
So there you have it folks: Free Republic hates GW Bush. The same is true for lucianne.com or michellemalkin.com, little green footballs, Fox News, Chris Matthews, Sean Hannity, Joe Lieberman or Bob Boudelang.
So I say to you so-called "friends" and "supporters" of Bush: shame on you! Shame on you for letting a "moral" and "upright" man make a mockery of you even more than you already are. Have some dignity and tell your boy to start acting like an elected official even though he wasn't elected.