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Actual Headline with actual silly * Photo: Only Humans Distort The Truth

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Up2Late Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-20-06 10:28 PM
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Actual Headline with actual silly * Photo: Only Humans Distort The Truth
(If I could post more of this article I would. It's long, but very well written, and makes some very good points and observations!)

Only Humans Distort The Truth

Only Humans Distort The Truth (photo: Mark Wilson/Getty Images),Fri 21 Apr 2006
WorldNews Guest Writer Paul Forest.

The truth of the matter is that lying is here to stay, and prosper. Though lying of itself seldom provides a discernible sensation or feeling of pleasure and satisfaction, its results when coupled with a reasonable degree of expertise are likely to exceed any possible measure of success to be expected from overt truthfulness, a great virtue which it is said provides its own reward, and sacrifices.

The main catalyst and justification for lying is the golden rule of survival: "The end justifies the means", and it often begins at a very tender age. It is said that some two-year-old children, after creating an unannounced mess on the floor, carpet, or even closer to home, try to attribute responsibility to a conveniently present brother or sister....


...We sometimes wonder how it can be that people are deprived of their life savings by a slick peddler of fraudulent schemes. Could it not be that some people have literally no moral conscience whatever in their psychological make-up, and therefore do not second-guess themselves on anything at anytime. Could not such people, totally free of self-incrimination, somehow convey the impression of absolute honesty? Do we not know someone that seems to fit in that category?


...An honorable mention badge for Human Distortions must be awarded posthumously to Adolf Hitler and his scoundrels, close friends of the Bush family ancestry, for their stated defensive action against Poland, whose malevolent intent was to invade Germany. Does the war in Iraq somehow come to mind at this point?

(much more at link)



Note: Don't click the picture, it's very big.

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asthmaticeog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-20-06 10:35 PM
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1. What, they couldn't find a picture of a human?
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Up2Late Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-20-06 10:50 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. That's what I was thinking. By using that picture, they are implying...
that * is human. I'm not sure I agree.
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samsingh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-21-06 12:38 AM
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3. he's still as clueless as always
the fangs later on are appropriate.
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meow2u3 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-21-06 12:47 AM
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4. I thought only chimps distort the truth
Another sound spending project by your government. :sarcasm:
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Up2Late Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-21-06 04:05 PM
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5. kick n/t
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