Edited on Fri Apr-21-06 03:16 PM by Peace Patriot
have to SAY who exactly inserted the tweaky lines of code, or who gave the orders to short black precincts on voting machines in Ohio. You just have to say what happened, what the conditions of the election were, and what the evidence is. There is something called FREE SPEECH in this country--and it is especially applicable to a matter of great civic concern, and to public officials. You don't have to have "proof positive" to say that an election smells to high heaven. The very fact of its non-transparency--not to mention all the other facts about 2004--makes it stink like a skunk.
Second, you don't even have to say that THAT election was fraudulent. The election SYSTEM is egregiously, inherently, fraudulent, due to non-transparency (not to mention Bushite partisan control of the machnes). It's BLATANT. It's even a stretch to CALL anything an election that occurs under these conditions: Two rightwing Bushite corporations control all vote tabulation in the country with "TRADE SECRET," PROPRIETARY programming code and virtually no audit/recount controls. And that's just for starters--it doesn't begin to describe the corruption, the secrecy, the hostility toward the voters, the resistance to recounts and audits and paper trails, the fraudulent testing of the machines, the hackability of the machines, the unreliability of the machines, and everything else that now characterizes our election system. But that's enough. That's ALL you need to know. The system is controlled by Bushite corporations and it is NON-TRANSPARENT.
And it is a very great puzzle to me how our Democratic Party leadership was silent about it when it was put into place, and is silent about it now.
All anyone would have to say is: How do we know Bush was elected? We CAN'T KNOW. And that's a fact. And in addition to the non-transparency, there is a mountain of evidence that he wasn't.
You aren't accusing anyone of any particular crime. You are just stating the facts.
I think you are confusing an election with a legal case. In a legal case, the burden of proof is on the prosecutor to establish a crime and guilt. In an election, just the opposite is true. The burden of proof is on election officials and those in power to PROVE that they did NOT fiddle the election in favor of the powerful. They ARE in fact "guilty until proven innocent." That's what transparency MEANS. Absent transparency, you are obliged to presume wrong-doing, when it comes to elections. The presumption of wrong-doing by the powerful IS WHY we have TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY as standards in democratic elections.
The 2004 election was NOT a democratic election--by any stretch of the definition. The condition of transparency was NOT PRESENT.