Several (read a few) very obscenely wealthy families have, over time, grown to control the vast majority of resources on the planet. Having more, unfortunately, does not bring satisfaction to these people, it simply makes them want more, more money, more power, more freedom to behave in any way they wish. Most of the people you see carrying out the agenda are "tentacles" as it were, and are basically tools.
This is a well thought out power play. It seems to me the direction they're going is back to feudalism. King/Pharaoh at the top, then the priests and advisers, personnel managers/military controllers below that, and then slaves and farmers at the bottom. I think they've grown sick of the unwashed taking what they think is rightfully theirs, and a couple of generations have been at this point involved in the planning and building of the new empire.
These groups are friendly with each other. The Bush family were water carriers for the Harriman family back in the '30s and '40s, Harriman big money and big banking. It was Harriman's wife who originally financed and set up the DLC, BTW. We've had arrangements with the Saudis for oil since the late '20s. I do believe, and the Bush clan, being in the same biz, quickly made friends with them, as they are useful. He who controls the energy, at this point in history, controls the world.
When/if the Saudis are no longer useful, I think they will let them be ravaged by their own people, who are starving and living in squalor while the king and his princes build golden-domed monuments to their own greatness.
I truly believe the Israelis and American Jews are being fooled here, and they will eventually take the fall for the damage we're doing to the Arabs. I believe this because of the history of the other players. The Bush's, including 41, are racist and anti-Semite, believers in eugenics and Prescott supported and made his fortune off the Third Reich.
The Israelis are being set up before your eyes, IMO, even now you hear underlying tones of "if it weren't for our commitment to Israel we wouldn't be in this mess, killing these people," etc. I don't think it will be hard to shift blame over to them, either, because it's almost a knee jerk reaction, developed over centuries of inculcation, blood libel and all.
For the life of me I can't figure out where Moon gets his power, but I'm working on pinning him down. He has money and a zealous following, other than that I've got squat.
I could probably have put this into better and a lesser number of words, but that is the outline of the puzzle IMO